我被蚊子叮了. I was bitten by a mosquito.

有沒有綠油精讓我擦一下 ? 我剛剛被蚊子叮了一個包。 聽說酸性體質/容易流汗/以及常熬夜的人容易被蚊子叮。

Do you have green oil (for me to apply)? I was bitten by a mosquito. I heard that people who have acidic constitutions (酸性體質) , sweat easily (容易流汗) and stay up often (常熬夜) tend to attract mosquitoes.



    叮了一個包 - 以你的例子, 我們通常說 '你看我的手臂被蚊子叮的咬痕' - Look at the mosquito bite on my arm. (BITE 就是叮咬痕的意思)



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